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Best Pet Food Tray-How To Choose The Best Pet Food Tray

If you thought that choosing pet food trays and bowls was easy, you were wrong! Ceramic, stainless steel, plastic, wood, flat, or with edges, you have access to a wide choice of options. The number of different models of trays and bowls for dogs is so large that the choice can be very complicated. Material, size, and shape are all criteria to take into consideration.

Plastic bowls and trays

The plastic bowls and pet food trays are more eye-catching for the owner, as they are often very colorful or decorated with fanciful patterns. Beware of this material, as many dogs can develop an allergy to it with repeated contact with plastic. Plastic bowls do not age very well, as they end up scratching and becoming more difficult to clean. Over time, plastic material can impart an unpleasant odor to dog food or even water.



How To Choose The Best Pet Food Tray

Here are some important things you must keep in your mind during choosing the pet food tray for your dog.

Right bowl size

The size of the bowl should be adapted to the size of your dog. Do not use a very small bowl if your dog weighs more than 60-70 lbs. Use a smaller bowl and adapt the size as the grows bigger. If you have a medium-sized dog, his puppy bowl can be kept for his entire life. Some bowls can be adapted to a tripod or adjustable support to allow your dog to eat in a comfortable position, but otherwise, the use of dog food trays is a sensible and simple solution.



Choose the right shape

The good bowl shape has low edges. For dogs with long, hanging ears, a tall, pyramid-shaped bowl is very practical. Some dogs devour their food more than they eat. For them, there are special bowls, so-called anti-gluttonous bowls, to calm their voracity. A central island forces the dog to take only small bites and, therefore, is forced to eat more slowly. The bottom of the bowl may have reliefs having the same effect. Dogs with short noses like bulldogs or boxers have specially designed bowls, both curved and striated.


Tips for Selecting the Best Pet Food Trays

Your pet’s bowl is a critical product since he or she will eat and drink out multiple times a day for his or her entire life. Clearly, buying the wrong bowl could put the health of your pet at risk, but what makes for the best dog food bowl?



Material Matters

Most pet food trays are made from plastic, ceramic, or stainless steel.


Check for quality standards

Nobody adds lead to stainless steel on purpose. Nobody adds radioactive metal to stainless steel on purpose. Yet, examples of these contaminants have already surfaced on store shelves. These aren’t theoretical risks anymore. The best pet food tray come from companies that care enough about the health of your pet to actually test for possible contaminants.


Pet food is animal feed that is meant to be consumed by pets. It’s frequently sold at pet stores and supermarkets, and it’s usually tailored to the animal’s needs, such as dog or cat food. The majority of animal flesh is a waste product of the human food business and is not considered “human grade.” So you can choose a pet food tray to feed your dog or cat.



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